5 Quotes & Sayings By Irving Kristol

Irving Kristol is the co-founder and editor of The Public Interest (1963–72), which became part of Commentary (1972–91) and then the National Interest (1991–2001). He also founded The National Review (1959), has contributed to The New York Times Magazine, and published his own magazine, The Independent, from 1976 to 1980. He has written many books, including The Neoconservative Mind, Adventures in Ideas, Summoned By Bells: Reflections of a Neoconservative (editor), The Kristol Essays, and The Neoconservative Revolution, among others. He is currently a columnist for The Weekly Standard.

Even if we can't be happy we must always be cheerful. Irving Kristol
Even if we can't be happy we must always be cheerful. Irving Kristol
Being frustrated is disagreeable but the real disasters of life begin when you get what you want. Irving Kristol
Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity. Irving Kristol